Two Omnidirectional Antenna Models for Ship Hull Corrosion Detection Radar System

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Hepi Ludiyati
Aqiila Putri Zharfani Ashlah
Erika Dwi Jayanti
Hanny Madiawati
Enceng Sulaeman


This paper discusses two modified monopole antenna models. These antenna models are designed to detect hull corrosion of ships, which is predicted to be the cause of hull leaks. The modification was carried out by adding a conical parasitic element aimed at widening the bandwidth and increasing the antenna gain. The conical parasitic on the first antenna is directed upwards, while the second is the opposite. The first model uses a cone with a larger diameter than the second model. The calculation of the cone diameter is based on half the wavelength of the frequencies generated by the antenna. With a smaller diameter, PTFE is added between the monopole and the parasitic cone to avoid short circuits. This configuration is intended to see the effective antenna model widen the bandwidth and increase the gain. Antenna performance testing was carried out using a vector network analyzer and software-defined radio. The test results show that both antenna models are omnidirectional in radiation. The first model operates at a frequency of 3904.7 - 7793.1 MHz with a bandwidth of 3888.4 MHz and a highest gain of 10 dBi. The second model operates at a frequency of 2282.4 - 3324.1 MHz with a bandwidth of 1041.7 MHz and a highest gain of 8dBi. Thus, the first antenna model has a higher bandwidth and gain than the first model, but both have met the requirements for ship hull corrosion detection antennas.


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H. Ludiyati, A. Zharfani Ashlah, E. Jayanti, H. Madiawati, and E. Sulaeman, “Two Omnidirectional Antenna Models for Ship Hull Corrosion Detection Radar System”, INFOTEL, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 678–694, Nov. 2024.


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