Evaluation of the e-Learning Utilization as a Learning System in Higher Education Institution

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Uswatun Hasanah
Syahroni Hidayat
Danang Tejo Kumoro


This study aims to evaluate the use of technology to support teaching and learning activities. Lecturers and students have applied e-learning to teach subjects. The purpose of this evaluation is to measure the success of the use of STMIK Bumigora e-learning by using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach, which is an approach that can explain user behavior towards the use of technology. Evaluation of the use of e-learning is formulated into a model based on the TAM model, while SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) is used for data analysis. Based on the measurement analysis in this study, several factors  most influenced the effectiveness of e-learning, namely the usage tutorial for users, ICT facilities related to the Ease of accessing the internet network. Meanwhile, in structural analysis, it was found that attitudes toward the use and perceived usefulness were strongly correlated with real use factors. The actual use is a real condition of the use of e-learning measured by the frequency and duration of time in using the technology, which is influenced by the user's belief in accepting the existence of e-learning in STMIK Bumigora and user beliefs related to the benefits when using it. Therefore, attitudes toward the use and perception of usefulness are the main determining factors in measuring the frequency and duration of e-learning use.


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How to Cite
U. Hasanah, S. Hidayat, and D. T. Kumoro, “Evaluation of the e-Learning Utilization as a Learning System in Higher Education Institution”, INFOTEL, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 160-168, Sep. 2020.