Accuracy Analysis of K-Nearest Neighbor and Naïve Bayes Algorithm in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

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Irma Handayani
Ikrimach Ikrimach


In the medical field, there are many records of disease sufferers, one of which is data on breast cancer. An extraction process to fine information in previously unknown data is known as data mining. Data mining uses pattern recognition techniques such as statistics and mathematics to find patterns from old data or cases. One of the main roles of data mining is classification. In the classification dataset, there is one objective attribute or it can be called the label attribute. This attribute will be searched from new data on the basis of other attributes in the past. The number of attributes can affect the performance of an algorithm. This results in if the classification process is inaccurate, the researcher needs to double-check at each previous stage to look for errors. The best algorithm for one data type is not necessarily good for another data type. For this reason, the K-Nearest Neighbor and Naïve Bayes algorithms will be used as a solution to this problem. The research method used was to prepare data from the breast cancer dataset, conduct training and test the data, then perform a comparative analysis. The research target is to produce the best algorithm in classifying breast cancer, so that patients with existing parameters can be predicted which ones are malignant and benign breast cancer. This pattern can be used as a diagnostic measure so that it can be detected earlier and is expected to reduce the mortality rate from breast cancer. By making comparisons, this method produces 95.79% for K-Nearest Neighbor and 93.39% for Naïve Bayes


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How to Cite
I. Handayani and I. Ikrimach, “Accuracy Analysis of K-Nearest Neighbor and Naïve Bayes Algorithm in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer”, INFOTEL, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 151-159, Nov. 2020.


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