Call for Paper JURNAL INFOTEL Volume 15, No. 4, November 2023


Currently, the Jurnal Infotel is going through the SCOPUS ACCREDITATION process,. We are calling researchers and academia to publish their research results at the Jurnal Infotel, with some regulations as follow:
1. Cost paid by Author with Indonesia citizenship is Rp 1,500,000 (IDR)
2. Cost paid by affiliation non-Indonesia citizens is $0 (USD) / FREE
This cost covers:
The standard 10 pages manuscript. An extra Rp 50,000 (IDR), or around $3.5 (USD) will be charged for every additional page.
Similarity Checking by Turnitin. The final result will be sent to the authors.
DOI registration for each paper.
Each article will be re-layout using LaTex.
This cost also includes submitting, peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving, and allows immediate access to the full-text versions of the articles.

3. If one of the authors is affiliated with a foreign institution, the publication fee is free of charge.
Thank you.


Reviewer Credits for Reviewers Team in JURNAL INFOTEL


Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you that JURNAL INFOTEL has joined ReviewerCredits, the most comprehensive platform to certify, measure and reward the activity of scientists as Peer Reviewers and as Conference Speakers. Each review you will perform for JURNAL INFOTEL will be validated by the Editor and will entitle you to virtual credits, which can be used to obtain benefits offered by ReviewerCredits partners. We invite you to register on the ReviewCredits platform and claim reviews performed for JURNAL INFOTEL. This service is provided free of charge.

This innovative collaboration represents for us a crucial effort and a great step forward for a higher recognition of editorial activities, contributing to a comprehensive re-thinking and a global innovation of the academic editorial world.


About ReviewerCredits

ReviewerCredits is a startup company, launched in 2017, accredited by the University of Milan-Bicocca. Its core business is the development, maintenance and upgrade of an online platform which has the purpose of certifying peer reviews and conference talks. It is listed as an innovative startup in the Italian company register.

Benefit for reviewers can be read in the link below


Author Responses


Author is encouraged to write responses to address the editor/reviewer's comment using the following guidelines:

  1. The response form is intended to communicate with the editor
  2. Author's responses should be sent as soon as possible
  3. It is recommended to indicate the sentences/paragraphs which have been revised using a different color to make it easier for editor/reviewer to check.
  4. Please be polite: Make a group of question with the related answer.

This is an example of Author Responses.

electronics article

journal of informatics

(Khoirul Anwar, 2017)