Rupiah Banknotes Detection Comparison of The Faster R-CNN Algorithm and YOLOv5

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Muhammad Zuhdi Hanif
Wahyu Andi Saputra
Yit Hong Choo
Andi Prademon Yunus


Money is an essential part of human life. Humans are never separated from activities related to money. As time goes by, money is not only a means of transactions between humans but also between humans and machines. Machines can recognize money in various ways, including object detection. Object detection is one of the most popular branches of computer vision. There are many methods for carrying out object detection, such as Faster R-CNN and YOLO. Faster R-CNN has been widely used in various fields to perform object detection tasks. Faster R-CNN has advantages over its predecessor because it uses a Region Proposal Network (RPN) as a substitute for selective search, which requires less compilation time. YOLO (You Only Look Once) is the most frequently used object detection method. This method divides the image into grids; each part of the grid predicts objects and their probabilities. The main advantages of YOLO are its high speed and ability to recognize objects in various conditions and positions with reasonably high accuracy. This research compares the Faster R-CNN algorithm model using the ResNet-50 architecture with YOLOv5 to recognize rupiah banknotes. The dataset used is 1120 images consisting of 8 classes. The YOLOv5 model trained on RGB data had the best results, with calculation accuracy reaching 1. Test results on three images also showed suitable results. The hope is that this research can be applied in other research to build a system for recognizing rupiah banknotes.


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M. Hanif, W. Saputra, Y. Choo, and A. Yunus, “Rupiah Banknotes Detection Comparison of The Faster R-CNN Algorithm and YOLOv5”, INFOTEL, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 502–517, Aug. 2024.


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