Design of L-Band Power Amplifier by Using Microstrip-Based GaAs p-HEMT MMG15241H Transistor

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Rifki Amiruddin
Budi Syihabuddin
Yuyu Wahyu


The power amplifier which is designed by using BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) has a larger power consumption, hence in this research, the FET GaAs p-HEMT MMG15241H is used. The power amplifier designed in this research uses microstrip-based and works at the middle frequency of 1.27 GHz. This research yielded a power amplifier which works at the bandwidth with a range frequency of 1.265 - 1.275 GHz, a gain result of 20.02 dB, and input return loss result of -24.45 dB.


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R. Amiruddin, B. Syihabuddin, and Y. Wahyu, “Design of L-Band Power Amplifier by Using Microstrip-Based GaAs p-HEMT MMG15241H Transistor”, INFOTEL, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 7-14, Feb. 2018.


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