The Newton’s Polynomials Interpolation Based-Error Correction Method for Low-Cost Dive Altitude Sensor in Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV)

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Gutama Indra Gandha
Dedi Nurcipto


Indonesia is the one of the countries with the largest of sea area. However, the water surveillance categorized as minimum. The human resource and the low level of infrastructure are the causal of the minimum level of water surveillance. The human involvement of water surveillance has many weaknesses, such as weak against the change of the nature condition, limitation in reaching location, weak against water turbidity levels and water pollution. The utilization of ROV (Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle) could be a solution in water surveillance problem. The development of ROV still not significant in Indonesia. The development costs are also a problem in development of ROV. Many researcher using USBL (Ultra Short Base Line) sensor to sense the depth of the ROV. However, the cost of this sensor is relatively expensive. The usage of low-cost pressure sensor could be a solution to replace the USBL sensor. The low-cost pressure sensor has a significant deviation. The implementation of Newton’s polynomials interpolation algorithm has been used to decrease the deviation level of the sensors. The result shows the algorithm has succeeded to decrease the deviation level of the pressure sensor significantly. The MSE value of default sensor was 42956.2, which is significantly worst. The Newton interpolation algorithm has been succeeded to reducing the MSE value to 17.82. The result of this research was expected to reduce the cost of the ROVs development especially for sensors cost.


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G. I. Gandha and D. Nurcipto, “The Newton’s Polynomials Interpolation Based-Error Correction Method for Low-Cost Dive Altitude Sensor in Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle (ROV)”, INFOTEL, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-7, Mar. 2019.


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