Stateless Authentication with JSON Web Tokens using RSA-512 Algorithm

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Alam Rahmatullo
Aldy Putra Aldya
Muhammad Nur Arifin


Today's technology needs are getting higher, one of the technologies that continues to grow now is Web Service (WS). WS can increase service flexibility on a system. However, security at WS is one of the things that needs attention. One effort to overcome this problem is JWT (JSON Web Token). JWT is one of the authentication mechanisms in WS, with a standard signature algorithm, HMAC SHA256, RSA-256 or ECDSA. In this research we will discuss the performance of JWT RSA-512 which is implemented on SOAP and RESTful. Because based on previous research the speed performance of the 512-bit algorithm is better, but it is not yet known if applied to JWT. The test results show that the speed of the JWT RSA-512 token on the RESTful process is superior to 24.69% compared to SOAP. Then the speed of the authentication of JWT RSA-512 tokens, RESTful is superior to 11.64% compared to SOAP. Whereas in testing the size of JWT RSA-512 generated tokens, RESTful is only 1.25% superior to SOAP.


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A. Rahmatullo, A. P. Aldya, and M. N. Arifin, “Stateless Authentication with JSON Web Tokens using RSA-512 Algorithm”, INFOTEL, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 36-42, Jun. 2019.


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