A Coverage Prediction Technique for Indoor Wireless Campus Network

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Fransiska Sisilia Mukti
Allin Junikhah


The placement of an Access Point (AP) is an important key to determine the spread of the signal. To get the optimal spread of signals, a network designer is required to understand how much coverage an AP can generate. A prediction is given to describe the coverage area produced based on AP placement for the wireless campus network, using a coordinate map modeling based on the real size for the indoor environment. The theoretical approach is used to determine the coverage area of an AP device by testing the function of the distance between the AP and the user. The results show that the signal generated by an AP will cover the entire area that is still on the LOS propagation path. The coverage area generated through AP placement in this case study reached 77.5%. The maximum distance between the AP and the user so that it is within the coverage area is 13.851m. There are still areas that are not covered by the AP, especially for the NLOS propagation path because of the obstruction around the AP.


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F. S. Mukti and A. Junikhah, “A Coverage Prediction Technique for Indoor Wireless Campus Network”, INFOTEL, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 73-79, Sep. 2019.


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