Development Grouping of Synonym Set Thesaurus Vocabulary The Qur’an in English Using Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm

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Salma Fauziah
Moch Arif Bijaksana


Research in the field of text mining to process entries or words from the Qur'an is very beneficial for Muslims. This study aims to establish a set of synonyms for the thesaurus in the words of the Qur'an. This research is used because the source of knowledge about the science of the Qur'an is still lacking. The dataset in this study uses the Corpus Qur'an and English Translation. This research is a research development of an article that has been published, namely "The Development of Al-Qur'an Vocabulary Set Synonyms with WordNet Approach" by Laras Gupitasari. Input from this research system uses nouns from the translation of English words in the Quran. The output of the system produces several groups that have the same level of closeness of meaning displayed, the first group means the word in the group has a close meaning. To produce output, this study uses word grouping with a hierarchical grouping method and calculates distances using common paths, then groups results according to the closeness of meaning from word entries. The evaluation in this study produced an F-Measure value of 76%, F-Measure Value is an evaluation to measure the accuracy of predictions issued by the system.


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S. Fauziah and M. A. Bijaksana, “Development Grouping of Synonym Set Thesaurus Vocabulary The Qur’an in English Using Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm”, INFOTEL, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 105-114, Aug. 2020.


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