Determination of the Type of Heart Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine with the Bayesian Network Method

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Asto Buditjahjanto


The determination of a disease syndrome in the TCM is difficult enough to determine because it requires a lot of experience in observing patients' symptoms that appear in disease syndrome and their disease syndrome history. Symptoms that appear in one disease syndrome are varied and can also appear in other disease syndromes. This research limits the determination of the type of syndrome only in the heart organ. The purpose of this study is to determine the type of heart syndrome in TCM by using Bayesian Networks. Bayesian Networks is used because it has the advantage of adapting expert knowledge toward the preferences of symptoms that arise at a type of heart syndrome. The expert's preference is in the weights that act as prior probabilities that are used as the basis for calculations on the Bayesian Networks. The results showed that the Bayesian Networks can be used to determine the type of heart syndrome well. The results of trials on 7 patients yield the same diagnosis between the doctor's diagnosis and the Bayesian Networks calculation


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How to Cite
A. Buditjahjanto, “Determination of the Type of Heart Syndrome in Traditional Chinese Medicine with the Bayesian Network Method”, INFOTEL, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 32-38, May 2020.


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