A New Method of Artificial to Solve the Optimization Problems without the Violated Constraints

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Jangkung Raharjo
Hermagasantos Zein
Adi Soeprijanto
Kharisma Bani Adam


There are some problems in optimization that cannot be derived mathematically. Various methods have been developed to solve the optimization problem with various functional forms, whether differentiated or not, to overcome the problem, which are known as artificial methods such as artificial neural networks, particle swarm optimization, and genetic algorithms. In the literature, it is said that there is an artificial method that frequently falls to the minimum local solution. The local minimum results are proof that the artificial method is not accurate. This paper proposes the Large to Small Area Technique for power system optimization,  which works based on reducing feasible areas. This method can work accurately, which that never violates all constraints in reaching the optimal point. However, to conclude that this method is superior to others, logical arguments and tests with mathematical simulations are needed. This proposed method has been tested with 24 target points using ten functions consisting of a quadratic function and a first-order function. The results showed that this method has an average accuracy of 99.97% and an average computation time of 62 seconds. The proposed technique can be an alternative in solving the economic dispatch problem in the power system.


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J. Raharjo, H. Zein, A. Soeprijanto, and K. B. Adam, “A New Method of Artificial to Solve the Optimization Problems without the Violated Constraints”, INFOTEL, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 31-37, May 2021.


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