Pengaruh Dispersi Terhadap Kecepatan Data Komunikasi Optik Menggunakan Pengkodean Return To Zero (RZ) Dan Non Return To Zero (NRZ)

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Anggun Fitrian Isnawati
Riyanto Riyanto
Ajeng Enggar Wijayanti


Fiber optic has characteristics for optical transmission system. One of optical characteristics is pulse broadening, known as dispersion. The dispersion is a condition where pulse in output side is larger than pulse in input side. It means that pulse broadening had happened. In the communication system, its known as inter symbol interference (ISI). Effect of Inter symbol interference increasing the error bit or BER value. In optical communication system, dispersion is most influence to the data rate that fiber can support. Besides, bandwidth, information capacity, transmission distance, wavelength and fiber type can also influenced by the dispersion. 


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A. Isnawati, R. Riyanto, and A. Wijayanti, “Pengaruh Dispersi Terhadap Kecepatan Data Komunikasi Optik Menggunakan Pengkodean Return To Zero (RZ) Dan Non Return To Zero (NRZ)”, INFOTEL, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1-8, Nov. 2009.


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