Design and implementation of robotank for room monitoring and exploration

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M. Nur Imam DJ
Dadan Nur Ramadhan
Sugondo Hadiyoso


A robot is a mechanical device that can perform physical tasks, either autonomously or with human control. Robots began to be used for monitoring in areas that have narrow spaces and/or dangerous areas. So that this robot must be able to carry out monitoring with a remote control system. Therefore, in this study, a robotank is designed that can perform space exploration with remote control. Robotank is designed to use a track and wheel that can pass through various terrains and it has dimensions of 11.8 x 10.8 x 9.1 cm. Robotank is equipped with a camera to monitor in real-time. Robotank can move from one point to another by controlling using a remote control system with a maximum distance of 20 meters in line of sight terrain and 16 meters in non-line of site fields, with an average speed of 0.84 m/s. Robotank can work for 1 hour 52 minutes. With this robotank, it is hoped that it can be used for exploration of areas or rooms that have small spaces and dangerous.


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M. N. Imam DJ, D. Ramadhan, and S. Hadiyoso, “Design and implementation of robotank for room monitoring and exploration”, INFOTEL, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 167-175, Aug. 2021.


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