Construction of cardiac arrhythmia prediction model using deep learning and gradient boosting

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Dhanar Bintang Pratama
Favian Dewanta
Syamsul Rizal


Arrhythmia is a condition in which the rhythm of heartbeat becomes irregular. This condition in extreme cases can lead to fatal heart attack accidents. In order to reduce heart attack risk, appropriate early treatments should be conducted right after getting results of Arrhythmia condition, which is generated by electrocardiography ECG tools. However, reading ECG results should be done by qualified medical staff in order to diagnose the existence of arrhythmia accurately. This paper proposes a deep learning algorithm method to classify and detect the existence of arrhythmia from ECG reading. Our proposed method relies on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to extract feature from a single lead ECG signal and also Gradient Boosting algorithm to predict the final outcome of single lead ECG reading. This method achieved the accuracy of 96.18% and minimized the number of parameters used in CNN Layer.


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How to Cite
D. Pratama, F. Dewanta, and S. Rizal, “Construction of cardiac arrhythmia prediction model using deep learning and gradient boosting”, INFOTEL, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 114-119, Aug. 2021.


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