Automatic detection of covid-19 based on CT Scan images using the convolution neural network

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Mawaddah Harahap
Masdiana Damanik
Linda Wati
Wahyudi Valentino Simamora
Isnaeni Khairani Sipahutar
Amir Mahmud Husein


The 2019 coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) has been declared a health emergency by WHO with the death rate steadily increasing worldwide, various efforts have been made to deal with this pandemic, from prediction to receiving medical imaging. CT Scan and chest X-Ray images have been proven to be accurate to help medical personnel diagnose COVID, in this paper, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) approach and the DenseNet transfer learning model series which aims to understand and find the best classification for COVID or Non-COVID detection. On CT scan chest images, we made two special models in the Descent series, then compared the CNNs in both models by calculating the Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1-Score values and presented the results in the confusion matrix. The testing framework is carried out on CNN and the first model of the DenseNet series uses adam optimization, the input function is 244x244x3, the soft-max function is applied as an activity with losses across entropy categories, epoch 50, and batch size for training and testing 16 while validation uses batch size 8, the EarlyStopping function also determined, From the test results, the CNN model is superior to the Densenet series of the first model with an accuracy of about 0.76 (76%), when testing the second model, we carried out the shifting, zooming process and changed the input function to 64x64x3, epoch 30 by adding 4 layers. The second model approach produces better accuracy than CNN and the first DenseNet series, but not as good as expected, based on the test results on the second model produces an accuracy of 0.90 (90%) on Densenet169, Densenet121 around 0.88 (88%) and last Densenet201 is about 0.83 83%), so it is superior to simple CNN models


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How to Cite
M. Harahap, M. Damanik, L. Wati, W. V. Simamora, I. K. Sipahutar, and A. M. Husein, “Automatic detection of covid-19 based on CT Scan images using the convolution neural network”, INFOTEL, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 189-196, Dec. 2021.


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