Peer to peer (P2P) and cloud computing on infrastructure as a service (IaaS) performance analysis

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Tati Ernawati
Febi Febiansyah


The resources of information technology and the availability of services on non-cloud network systems are limited. This constitutes problems for companies, especially in the efficient management of information technology. The high investment in infrastructure procurement is an obstacle in building centralized systems, including the adoption of cloud computing through Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), as an elective solution. This research aims to analyze the performance of cloud servers on IaaS services using the parameters of cloud service availability, resource utilization, and throughput transfer which were implemented in companies engaged in the toll road concession sector. Furthermore, the results are expected to be a reference in supporting company decisions/policies related to cloud system adoption. The methodology involved the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC), a system constituted by 6 (six) stages of management, namely user, proxy server, database, web service, monitoring service, and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). The results of cloud service availability indicate that the cloud system provides service availability (system interface, broad network access, and resource pooling). Furthermore, cloud systems have a significant performance on resource utilization (CPU) and throughput transfer parameters, while non-cloud systems only excel in response time and resource utilization (Memory) parameters. The overall result analysis based on this research scenario showed that the cloud system provides services according to user needs and has a better speed in data transmission, but has shortcomings in response time.


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How to Cite
T. Ernawati and F. Febiansyah, “Peer to peer (P2P) and cloud computing on infrastructure as a service (IaaS) performance analysis”, INFOTEL, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 161-167, Aug. 2022.