Fatigue detection using decision tree method based on PPG signal

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Ilham Ari Elbaith Zaeni
Arya Kusuma Wardhana
Erianto Fanani


Fatigue is a complex psychophysiological condition marked by sleepiness or fatigue, poor performance, and a range of physiological changes. A decision tree may be used to categorize weariness based on the subject's heart rate data. To begin the experiment, a dataset of the heart rate signal was obtained. The signal has already undergone preprocessing. The feature obtained through preprocessing is then used to construct the decision model. Four traits were discovered. The HF power, LF power, normalized HF power, and normalized LF power are the characteristics. This research has a 75.94% accuracy rating. The precision, recall, and F-measure scores for this study were 0.736, 0.736, and 0.736, respectively.


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How to Cite
I. A. E. Zaeni, A. K. Wardhana, and E. Fanani, “Fatigue detection using decision tree method based on PPG signal”, INFOTEL, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 182-187, May 2023.